May 24 – May 28

The class completed the MAP Tests for reading and math this week. The results will be shared with report cards.  Students have been working so hard in all academic areas and since we have been back on campus, we have seen some amazing growth. Also, the opportunity to interact with peers has allowed the kids to grow socially and emotionally. Thank you for your support as we continue to   help the kids in their journey during this unprecedented time!

Reading: from Mrs Halley: Check your child’s backpack. Mrs. Halley sent home Achieve Level Set reports this week. Students are asked to have a parent sign the envelope and return it to Mrs. Halley. Thank you.

Math:  Student will wrap up chapter 12 with a math test Monday  and begin Chapter 13 Algebra Perimeter and Area. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.2 and CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.3

Science: Due to Map testing our Science from last week was pushed forward to this week: Students will explore the questions: How does the speed of an object relate to the energy of the object? 4.ps3.1
Writing:  Students are almost done with their Greek Mythology Trading Card Project. Students will begin to write their own Greek Myth this week.
Religion: We will learn about the Beatitudes this week.
P.S.: After we completed a symmetry art project involving origami the students have been fascinated with the art of paper folding. During our free time they find very cool projects to try. If you have any origami paper to donate to the class that would be great!