October 26 -30

Thank you for collecting the educational materials from school! We will be using the projects, books and packets beginning Tuesday. The goal is to provide educational hands-on opportunities for the next few weeks. Students will continue to be independent for the most part. With our new writing unit students will seek parent input and support when directed. Stay tuned for more information on that later!

I look forward to talking with parents and students this week for our conference. The link for the conference is the same one we use on the Google classroom.  Please be sure your child is with you for our Zoom conversation. My plan is to discuss what is working for your child during virtual learning. We will also discuss what could be shifted to improve the experience. This is a chance for us to commend hard work and progress. I see better educational and emotional results when excellent habits are highlighted and the not so great habits are problem solved. We will go into our conversation with the mindset that everyone is currently doing the best we know how to do!