
Happy Holiday Season!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We have three weeks to enjoy learning until Christmas break.

To celebrate Advent we will have daily morning prayer with all the classes in our department (grades 3-5)  If you are running late during Advent remind your student to come upstairs quietly and join in with the prayer.

Religion: This week we begin to prepare for the birth of Jesus. Our classroom Advent project will involve learning about and writing to Maria, from Costa Rica, our UNBOUND friend. Next week students will be asked to reach into their personal treasures and give some money to help Maria and her family with her education. More on this in the future.

Math: We will focus on problem solving over the next few weeks. Help your student work on learning multiplication and basic division facts daily. Minutes a day make a big difference!

Reading: The students will focus on specific skills with Achieve. I notice that many students are rushing through the articles and getting scores below 75%. Please encourage slow and careful work. If a student does not get 75% or higher the first try, they are asked to do another article/activity until a score of 75% on the first try happens.

Writing: Christmas writing will be fun and focus on self editing and word choice. We will tie in a lost of Christmas themed of grammar work.

Science: Our next unit is electricity. With the help of Mrs Ocampo, the fourth grade will make a trip to the makers space for an interesting project.

Important:  Report cards go home December 5. Please look for the report card this Thursday!